Friday, September 9, 2011

Currently (from last week).

Last week in my reading, I chose to read a book that a lot of my friends have read and loved. This isn't the usual genre I choose but I'm addicted to it! I read Crank by Ellen Hopkins. If you're not familiar with the book, then I'll give you a little overview.

**Its the story of a girl named Kristina, and how one trip to visit her druggie dad changed her whole life. On this trip she discovers another side of herself, a side that is afraid of nothing! She calls this side of her Bree, it's her alter ego.
While on this trip she meets a boy, who becomes her first love, Adam, also known as Buddy. And he introduces her to the Monster. Crank.
The book then is the journey she goes on searching for crank when she gets back home and the journey of her addiction. On this journey she meets two new boys, Brenden and Chase. Brenden is after her for all the wrong reasons, sex. And he gets it too, when he decides to rape her. But with Chase it's different. They fall in love with eachother, and when Kristina finds out she's pregnant with Brenden's baby, Chase said he would raise it as his own, but Kristina decides he should follow his dream and go to college.**

I read the book over 3 days and I didn't want to stop reading. I probably would have read it in only one day, but had homework to do in the mean time. Darn School! :) HAHA

Favorite 3 sentences from Crank:
"Alone, there is only the person inside. I've grown to like her better than the stuck-up husk of me. Alone, there is no perfect daughter, no gifted high school junior, no Kristina Georgia Snow. There is only Bree."

"taking no chances means wasting your dreams."

"The monster likes to talk; he jumps into your head and opens your mouth, making it spout your deepest darkest deceptions. Making you say all the things you'd rather not say, at least not in mixed company."

Pages read this week: 544
Pages read this semester: 694

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