Friday, September 9, 2011


I took a quiz today about my personality and what "type" it is. There were about 72 yes or no questions. The type I got was ISFJ. I= Introverted S= Sensing F= Feeling and J= Judging. I scored a 33% in introverted, 25% in sensing, 75% in feeling, and 11% in judging.

According to, I am a protector. A protectors primary interest is in the safety and security of those they care about most. They want to serve others. They are shy and some might think that as them being cold, but in all actuality protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic. Some jobs that protectors would be good at is: Social Worker, Educator, Child Care, Health Care Administration, Nursing, and a Paralegal among many more.

To be honest, this pretty much describes me. My family and close friends mean everything to me! I would do anything for them. Its a little funny how nursing is a good job for a protector because that is what I want to go to college for. It's incredible how you can answer some simple questions online and it can describe your personality to a T.

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