Friday, September 9, 2011

Currently (from this week)

This week I read the sequel to Crank, Glass, and started the final book in the trilogy, Fallout.
**In Glass, Kristina is fighting her addiction while trying to take care of her newborn son, Hunter. The Monster keeps talking to her, fighting with her just trying to get her back in his grip. She can't take it anymore and gives in. She calls an old friend who she knows will have some good stuff, and when she goes to get some from her friend, Robyn, she meets a boy, Trey. They all decide to get high together but instead of snorting Crank, they introduce Kristina into a foreign high, brought to you by Crystal Meth. And she is instantly hooked. She gets a small amount to take home, and ends up getting high morning, noon, and night just to get through the day. Her mom finds out she is using and kicks her out of the house. She doesn't want to sleep in her car so she asks Trey's cousin, Brad, who she's met once prior (to get high). Brad's wife, Angela, left him and months go by of him and Kristina living and hooking up with each other. But one day, Angela decides she wants him back. So now she's on her own and has no money to do anything. Trey comes to her rescue and they move in with each other. Neither of them have jobs so they turn to dealing and stealing/forging checks to pay their bills and to also support their own habit. At the end of the book, Kristina is wanted for forging checks and her and Trey run off to California. After one night in California they caught with meth, go to jail, and it ends with Kristina finding out she is once again pregnant.**

Glass took me one whole day to read. These books are so intense at times and you just get hooked! These books are like a drug, when it's finished you are left craving more!

Favorite sentences from Glass:

"Six months since we met up
again we are inseparable,
an intricate weave.
No longer do I believe
this is a temporary fling.
More like total commitment.
More like I have walked
down the aisle, holding
hands with the monster."

"When you love someone, you don't want to hurt them, even if they deserve to be hurt. When you love someone, you want to hurt them, even when they don't deserve to be hurt."

"Sometimes the little things in life mean the most."


I am not quite finished with Fallout but what I have read so far is really good. It is set 19 years into the future and it is in the point of view of her three oldest children, Hunter, Autumn, and Summer. All living with different people far from each other. Hunter and Summer have met but Autumn has no idea who her mom even is. She lives with her father's (Trey) sister, her Aunt Cora, and her Grandfather. Summer is in foster care, and Hunter was raised by Kristina's mom and step-dad. Kristina has two other children who she has raised clean for the past six years but has fallen off the wagon and needs help back up. I am going to predict that eventually all of her kids will be in one place with each other and that Kristina will get clean for good since it is the end of the trilogy.

Favorite Sentences from Fallout (so far).

"Anger is a valid emotion. It's only bad when it takes control and makes you do things you don't want to do."

 "Why doesn't love come with an owner's manual?"

"Falling in love with someone is the surest highway to hurt that I know. When the door to love opens, the window to control closes."

Pages read this week: 1205
Pages read this semester: 1899

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