Friday, November 11, 2011

Finally :(

Before this class started, my relationship with reading was an on again off again type of relationship. I would read constantly over the summer and then I would just stop once school started because reading for fun was pulling me away from getting my homework done, so during the school year I would kind of let it go.

When I was reading I was mostly reading The House of Night Series and other vampire love stories like Twilight (Although I read all those in middle school). And this year I got into books by Ellen Hopkins and books about drugs and addiction. I have never been around anyone with addiction and I did not know what it did to people, so these books gave me an insight into the lives of people who had an addiction. This was a really interesting topic because coming from someone who is on the outside looking in you don't understand and books like Tweak by Nic Sheff really help you understand what is going through the addicts mind.

At the beginning of the year when we were all told that we would have to read at least 150 pages I was really intimidated! I thought, How in the world am I going to read 150 pages a week!! But I did, and with reading Ellen Hopkins books it was really easy to meet the requirement even though for me it was 450 pages since her books are written in free verse. In one night I read 400 some odd pages because her books pull you in and you can not put them down. And I found myself getting so involved in the books that when I read Burned and one of the characters died, I actually cried! I would talk to my friends and family all the time about the books I was reading and what was going on in my other life.

Since we are getting so close to end of the semester, I have seen some major changes in the books I read. I am reading books that I normally would never pick up such as Tweak and I am also reading books that I have never heard of. I am so involved in my relationship with reading that all I can think  about is going to the book store to find more books to read. My whole life I have been a reader and I can thank my mom for that but now instead of being on again and off again, I want to commit myself to always having a book to read.

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